Collegiate Hero Program

Teen with donated blood

Just Donate One Unit of Blood Every Semester

Just one donation can save up to 3 lives

The Coastal Bend Blood Center is proud to introduce the newest donor program for higher education students - Collegiate Hero Program! This program will recognize graduating college students that have successfully participated in the Collegiate Hero Program with a Medal of Merit to wear during the graduation ceremony. The goal is to encourage young adults to donate blood & emphasize the lifesaving impact made in the Coastal Bend! Donate your lifesaving blood at your local college today & you could become a Collegiate Hero! 

Collegiate Hero Donation Form

Be a Hero.
Donate life at your college.

The program was created to encourage young adults to donate blood & emphasize the lifesaving impact made in the Coastal Bend. This program will recognize graduating college students that have successfully participated in the Collegiate Hero Program with a Medal of Merit to wear during the graduation ceremony. Donate your lifesaving blood at your college campus today!

Earn a Medal of Merit by:

  • Donating blood two times per year while enrolled

Basic Qualifications to Donate Blood:

  • Eat a well-balanced meal
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Bring a picture ID
  • Must be feeling well
  • Must be 17 or older
Teen donating blood
Employee Group Photo
Adult woman donating blood

How to donate towards the Collegiate Program:

  • Attend a college participating in the Collegiate Hero Program
  • Find a blood mobile on-campus & donate your lifesaving blood
  • Students must scan the Collegiate Hero Program QR code at the time of donation to be entered into the program
  • Students can donate at any Coastal Bend Blood Center Drive

How to receive credit:

  1. Scan the QR Code
  2. Register as a Collegiate Hero Donor
  3. Continue donating to earn your Medical of Merit
  4. Wear your medal at Graduation

Colleges currently participating:

  • Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi 
  • Texas A&M University - Kingsville
  • Del Mar 
  • Southern Careers Institute 
  • South Texas Vocational Technical Institute